--ReadmeE.txt--------------------------------------------------------- Name : OSEC NC Kit Ver. 1.00 Registered Name : OSENCK10.exe(self-extracting file) System Requirements : above WindowsNT 3.51, above 800X600 display Type : Free software ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents 1. Abstract 2. Install 3. Execution and Termination 4. Uninstall 5. Notice 6. Specification 7. Release History ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Abstract "OSEC NC Kit" was made to demonstrate NC(Numerical Control) unit and to evaluate API set which was regurated by OSE consortium. This kit is making up all software module for NC unit and needs no more hardware except PC, so it cannot drive real actuators. This kit inputs EIA code(so called NC data or G code),shows the position of tool pass in current position window of operation panel. The following are the aim of this kit. *make easy understanding OSEC architecture,function and its API *offer the basic function of NC unit *offer the clue to make a original NC function module 2.Install Copy OSENCK10.exe file in any folder(directory) and execute it. Then it makes OseNCK10 folder in its folder and 14 files listed below will be generated. GTEST.exe : mode controller & EIA decoder smserr.txt : error message file of EIA decoder smsparam.txt: parameter file of EIA decoder smstools.txt: tool data file of EIA decoder OsecRm.dll : Resource Control API library OsecEIA.dll : EIA decoder API library vncserv.exe : Resource Manager OsecMctl.dll: Machine Control API library mccont.exe : Machine Control OsecPLC.dll : dummy PLC API library OsecSrv.dll : dummy servo API library Sample.eia : sample EIA code ReadmeJ.txt : explanation file(japanese of ReadmeE.txt) ReadmeE.txt : explanation file(now you read) Add the absolute path of the "OseNCK10" directory to your PATH statement. ******************************************************* 3.Execution and Termination To execute this kit, mtfsmpl1.exe and mtfsmpl2.exe files, the runtime libraries of MTF(Machine Tool Framework) are need. Get them from http://www.sml.co.jp/osec/. And add the absolute path of the directory installed them to your PATH statement. Execute sequentially as below. 1.vncserv.exe 2.mccont.exe 3.gtest.exe 4.sample1.exe(included in mtfsmpl2.exe) If you miss the sequence of execution, or the kit is not operated normally. After normal execution, operation panel of NC unit is appeared. Then you may push the button of "SERVO" with mouse, Change the mode to "AUTO", its lamp will go to green from gray. Then select Sample.eia file in "PROGRAM selection" button which is described with japanese character in "RROGRAM CONTROL" area, push "RUN", and the data in current position window changes as NC data is processed. This is all of the NC kit without your additinal work. The button arranged in operation panel may be usuful, but it will be no fnuctional, so you will be disappointed. Sorry. To terminate this panel, push the "SERVO" button to off, then push the "Close" which is located at right up, is described with japanese character too, sorry. Sample.eia is a text file, so you can play with a new EIA data which is created using some text editor. To terminate this execution, stop the process by task manager of NT. 4.Uninstall To uninstall "OSEC NC Kit",you just do to delete OseNCK10 folder and its files. This kit will not edit the registory file at all. 5.Notice *"OSEC NC Kit" is not available for development, because Dll or Exe file in it may be trial version. *Offered programs within "OSEC NC Kit" have no guarantee of quality, accuracy, performance even if it is unspecified. *It cannot be answered for personal's technical question or inquiry. *The copyright of "OSEC NC Kit" is owned by Toyoda Machine Works,LTD. The copyrights of each software in this kit are owned by following companies. GTEST.exe :Sony Precision Technology Inc. smserr.txt :Sony Precision Technology Inc. smsparam.txt :Sony Precision Technology Inc. smstools.txt :Sony Precision Technology Inc. OsecRm.dll :Sony Precision Technology Inc. OsecEIA.dll :Sony Precision Technology Inc. vncserv.exe :(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, Toyoda Machine Works,LTD. vncserv.exe :IBM Corporation OsecMctl.dll :Toyoda Machine Works,LTD. mccont.exe :Toyoda Machine Works,LTD. OsecPLC.dll :Toyoda Machine Works,LTD. OsecSrv.dll :Toyoda Machine Works,LTD. Sample.eia :public domain ReadmeJ.txt :Toyoda Machine Works,LTD. ReadmeE.txt :Toyoda Machine Works,LTD. *"OSEC NC Kit" is freeware and may be distributed for non-commercial use only. For other licensing arrangements, please contact OSE Consortium at osec@sml.co.jp. *Requsts and suggestions to make "OSEC NC Kit" better are welcomed. Please send E-mail to osec@sml.co.jp. *The latest version will be upload in http://www.sml.co.jp/osec/. *MTF(Machine Tool Framework) are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. *Windows NT is registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 6.Specification 6-1 Implementation model The whole of implementation model and the logical relation of each modules are showed below. +-----------------------+ | HMI | | Sample1.exe | +-----------+-----------+ | +--------------------+ | Resource Manager | | Vncserv.exe | +------------------+-+ +--------------+ | |OsecRm.dll| | |EIA data | | +----+-----+ | | sample.eia | | | | +---+----------+ | | | | | | +-----+-----+ | | | |OsecEia.dll| V | +-+----------------------+ +----------------+ | | EIA decoder | |Parameter | | | Gtest.exe |<----| smserr.txt | | +-----+------------------+ | smsparam.txt | | | | smstools.txt | +---+----------+--------+ +----------------+ | OsecMctl.dll | +-----------------------+ | Machine Control | | McCont.exe | +----+------------+-----+ | | | | +------+----+ +----+------+ | SERVO | | PLC | |OsecSrv.dll| |OsecPlc.dll| +-----------+ +-----------+ The specification of each modules are followed. 6-2 Sample1.exe Operation panel. To create your original panel, the packages below are need. Visual Age MTF(Machine Tool Framework) The inquiry about these package will be to Tateo Kawamura(tkawa@yamato.ibm.co.jp) 6-3 GTEST.exe EIA decoder Main function is below. G00(Point to Point Positioning), G01(Linear Interpolation), G02/G03(Circular Interpolation CW/CCW), G04(Dwell), G17-G19(Plane Selection XY/ZX/YZ), G20/G21(Inch/Metric Selection), G28-G31(Reference Position Return),G40-G49(Cutter Compensation/Offset), G52-G59(Coordinate System Setting), G65-G67(Macro), G68/G69(Coordinate System Rotation), G73-G89(Fixed Cycle) G98/G99(Initial Position/Reference Position Level Return) 6-4 OsecEIA.dll API library to access to EIA decoder. 6-5 OsecRm.dll Interface library to access from NC Mode Controller to Resource Manager. 6-6 OsecMctl.dll API library to access to Machine Control. The following APIs are supported in this module. OsecMctlOpen() OsecMctlClose() OsecMctlReady() OsecMctlFree() OsecMctlStart() OsecMctlProgramEnd() OsecMctlAxisMove() OsecMctlAxisLine() OsecMctlSetDiDo() OsecMctlGetStatus() OsecMctlGetAxisStatus() OsecMctlGetPosition() OsecMctlGetTheoryPosition() OsecMctlGetVelocity() OsecMctlGetTheoryVelocity() OsecMctlGetBlockNo() OsecMctlGetTargetPosition() OsecMctlGetInformation() OsecMctlGetDiDoStatus() 6-7 vncserv.exe This inputs the commands from operation panel, judges its justness from NC mode and status, outputs commands to Decoder module and Machine Control module. And this module collects the current status of Machine Control and so on. 6-8 mccont.exe Sample module of Machine Control. This don't include the function of acceraration/disceraration and synchronization of G-function and M-function and safety design for machine, so it is impossible and thoughtless to adapt this module to actual machine. This only supports the function of liniar movement and DI/DO commands. 6-9 OsecSrv.dll API library to access to servo device. It responds for API commands itself. The value ordered with OsecSrvSetCyclicCmd() will be returned with OsecSrvGetCyclicData() exactly. The other commands are no functional. 6-10 OsecPLC.dll API library to access to PLC device. It responds for API commands itself. 1(Finish) will be return for OsecPlcSetIoData(). 0(as data) will be return foe OsecPlcGetIoData(). 6-11 Sample.eia Sample EIA code which is usuful in this kit. 7.Release History 06/04/1998 OSEC NC Kit Ver. 1.00 Release Anyway, the working of arrangement as the kit for disclose was over. Thanks to all OSEC members. (-¡-)y-~~ ~